Sexual Abuse Lawyers in Connecticut
Compassionate & Dedicated Legal Representation
Sexual abuse is a truly horrific act. Forty-four percent of all victims are children and eighty percent are under the age of 30. Survivors of sexual abuse experience a wide array of feelings including fear, guilt, and shame. And abusers have been known to tell children that the abuse is their fault as well as threaten or bribe their targets of abuse convincing them they will never be believed.
The consequences of sexual abuse are profound. Victims often suffer very serious mental, emotional and physical damage leading to chronic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, sleep disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders, and in some cases, self-harm.
To make matters more painful, many survivors as adults find themselves in abusive, dangerous situations or relationships, and women who were sexually assaulted before the age of 18 are twice as likely to report being raped as adults.
Who would abuse someone in this fashion? The perpetrators are often people of authority – doctors, priests, teachers, and family members.
Sadly, over the course of our more than 70 years as a law firm, our Connecticut sexual abuse lawyers at RisCassi & Davis, P.C. have seen a significant increase in the number of people who come to us for help after suffering sexual abuse and we have taken on very powerful interests on behalf of our clients.
For example, our attorneys were involved in representing people who suffered harm as children at the hands of a physician employed at a major Connecticut hospital and helped oversee litigation involving more than 100 children.
We want to help victims and their families. Call us at (860) 245-2412 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.

Our Settlements & Verdicts
Recent Case Victories
$40 Million Truck Accident
Pedestrian injured by a delivery truck resulting in paralysis.
$12.6 Million Wrongful Death
Injury and death damages as a result of an explosion at the Kleen Energy plant.
$11 Million Truck Accident
Collision with commercial delivery truck results in brain injury.
$9 Million Paralyzed Worker
$9,000,000 settlement for a paralyzed construction worker.
$8.1 Million Medical Malpractice
Improperly performed biopsy lead to wrongful death.