Middletown Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys
Fighting for those Injured by Drunk Drivers
When someone makes the choice to drive while under the influence of alcohol, they put everyone on the road at risk. Drunk driving crashes can have tragic and long-lasting impacts on all involved. Knowing that the resulting devastation was caused by someone who got behind the wheel after drinking too much can be infuriating, heartbreaking, and emotional on several levels.
If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, know that you do not have to go through this alone. Hiring a dedicated drunk driving accident attorney in Middletown can help you get properly compensated as well as hold the at-fault parties accountable for the damage that has been caused.
Connecticut Drunk Driving Laws
Because of the threat to the safety and well-being of its residents, Connecticut has specific laws that apply to drunk driving. If you are 21 years or older, then you will be considered legally intoxicated when your BAC rests at .08 or higher. Under the state’s “per se” law, a BAC test result of .08 or higher means that you will be considered intoxicated without any other evidence needed to support this assertion. For commercial drivers, the “per se” BAC limit is .04. If you are under 21 years of age, you are subject to Connecticut’s “zero tolerance law” and will be considered intoxicated if you have a BAC of .02 or higher.
It is also important to be aware that Connecticut is an implied consent state. This means that whether you are a Connecticut resident or simply driving through, you are consenting to a chemical test of your BAC should you be pulled over by law enforcement on suspicion of drunk driving. Failure to comply with a request for any chemical test of your BAC may result in your arrest as well as suspension of your driving privileges for 45 days.
Who Can Be Held Responsible for Drunk Driving Damages?
If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident, you are likely to have many questions. One question may be who can be held responsible for the damage caused by the accident. The truth is that there may be several parties who can be held responsible for damages in a drunk driving crash. The drunk driver, for instance, can be held responsible.
In some cases, the bar or restaurant that served the drunk driver before the accident may be held responsible as well. Connecticut’s dram shop law allows a drunk driving accident victim to sue a bar or restaurant if a patron caused injury or damages to someone else after being served alcohol while already intoxicated. The law is meant to discourage establishments from overserving alcohol to patrons.
Compensation for Drunk Driving Accident Victims
In addition to knowing who can be held responsible for compensating you for your damages, it is also important to understand what kinds of things are compensable. After being harmed in a drunk driving crash, you may be eligible for any of several damage types.
The main category of damages available in any personal injury action are “compensatory damages.” Compensatory damages are intended to compensate an injury victim for the harm they have suffered and to make them “whole” again. In other words, this is money intended to put an accident victim in a place they would have been had they never been involved in the crash. A tall order, indeed, but this is the intent behind compensatory damages. That is why such damages will usually include things like medical bills, cost of physical rehabilitation, loss of wages, and loss of earning ability.
In some rather rare cases, the plaintiff in a personal injury action may also be entitled to punitive damages. When a driver has acted in a particularly reckless or egregious manner, the court may wish to punish them for their dangerous behavior as a deterrent for others to engage in similar actions. You can see, therefore, why punitive damages may be on the table in drunk driving cases.
How Alcohol Impairs Safe Driving Abilities
Drunk driving is dangerous driving. Even after just one or two drinks, you can feel some of the effects alcohol can have on the body. You may notice things such as feeling warmer. You may not notice, however, other effects such as an impaired ability to multi-task or an inability to focus on a single object. The more you drink, the less control you will have over your own motor functions. Loss of muscle coordination will increase and your ability to concentrate will dwindle. Those with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08, the legal limit across the country, or higher will also have impaired judgment and loss of self-control. All these side effects of alcohol consumption make for a driver with an inability to safely operate a motor vehicle.
For a free consultation, contact our team at (860) 245-2412 or through our online contact form.
What Sets Us Apart
Significant Honors & Recognition
In our 70+ years of experience, we have received both national & regional recognition for our handling of injury cases, and many honors from our legal colleagues.
An Expert Team Approach
We have an extensive national network of experts available to us in the fields of medicine, engineering, traffic safety, accident reconstruction, and more – each available to work on your case should it require their expertise.
Over Half a Billion Dollars RecoveredWe've taken hundreds of cases to trial and we've won some of the largest personal injury verdicts and settlements in Connecticut history.
Board-Certified Trial LawyersOur seven attorneys who have achieved this honor demonstrated they have the training & depth of experience to help you get the best possible outcome for your case.
Contact Our Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers in Middletown for Legal Counsel You Can Count On!
Being injured in a drunk driving accident can turn your life upside down and leave you with debilitating, lifelong injuries. You do not have to go through this alone. Our team of knowledgeable and experienced Middletown drunk driving injury lawyers at RisCassi & Davis, P.C. are here to take on the legal fight for you so that you can focus on your health and recovery.

Our Settlements & Verdicts
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$12.6 Million Wrongful Death
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$11 Million Truck Accident
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$9 Million Paralyzed Worker
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$8.1 Million Medical Malpractice
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