Hartford Hit & Run Accident Attorneys
Filing Claims After Frustrating Hit & Run Accidents
Someone who leaves the scene of a car accident without exchanging insurance and identifying information first commits a hit-and-run. They do not even need to be the driver who caused the crash to be guilty of this crime.
Were you hurt by a driver who then ran away from the scene of the crash? You have been in a hit-and-run accident, and you should seek the assistance of a professional legal team as soon as possible. RisCassi & Davis, P.C. in Hartford offers comprehensive legal assistance for hit-and-run victims. We might be able to find a way for you to get compensation after the crash, even if the other driver cannot be identified.
Dial (860) 245-2412 to speak with our attorneys about your hit-and-run case today.
Call the Police After a Hit-and-Run
The first thing you should do after a hit-and-run accident is to call the police. Actually, you should call the police after being in an accident that causes an injury or significant vehicular damage. With some luck, the police will already be on their way if the other driver decides to flee.
When the police arrive, tell them as much as you can about the other driver, such as:
- Vehicle make, model, and color
- Any digits of the license plate you can remember
- General description of the driver
- Direction the driver used to flee
If the police can track down the other driver, they might notify you to come to the station to positively identify them. Assuming it is the right driver who gets arrested, you can file a car accident claim against their insurance as if they never fled in the first place.
Using Uninsured Motorist Insurance
If the other driver cannot be identified, which is highly likely, then you still are not automatically out of options. If you have purchased uninsured motorist (UM) insurance from your auto insurance provider, then you can use it to seek coverage.
Depending on the policy that you buy, UM insurance can provide damages for:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Vehicle repairs
- Pain and suffering
UM insurance is not standard, though. Most drivers do not know that they don’t have UM insurance until it is too late, and they have already been in an accident with an uninsured or hit-and-run driver. Check your policy details now to see if you have UM insurance. If you do, then our hit & run attorneys in Hartford can help you use it to seek coverage from your insurance provider, rather than a third-party insurer.
We Can Help – Just Dial (860) 245-2412 Today
Attorney Michael Jainchill is considered one of the leading lawyers for hit-and-run accident cases in Hartford and the rest of Connecticut. If you were in a hit-and-run accident that someone else caused, then you should get our experienced team on your side as soon as possible. We can get right to work on building your case and figuring out how to get you the most compensation for your injuries.
Schedule a free initial consultation today with our Hartford hit and run accident lawyer.
What Sets Us Apart
Significant Honors & Recognition
In our 70+ years of experience, we have received both national & regional recognition for our handling of injury cases, and many honors from our legal colleagues.
An Expert Team Approach
We have an extensive national network of experts available to us in the fields of medicine, engineering, traffic safety, accident reconstruction, and more – each available to work on your case should it require their expertise.
Over Half a Billion Dollars RecoveredWe've taken hundreds of cases to trial and we've won some of the largest personal injury verdicts and settlements in Connecticut history.
Board-Certified Trial LawyersOur seven attorneys who have achieved this honor demonstrated they have the training & depth of experience to help you get the best possible outcome for your case.

Our Settlements & Verdicts
Recent Case Victories
$40 Million Truck Accident
Pedestrian injured by a delivery truck resulting in paralysis.
$12.6 Million Wrongful Death
Injury and death damages as a result of an explosion at the Kleen Energy plant.
$11 Million Truck Accident
Collision with commercial delivery truck results in brain injury.
$9 Million Paralyzed Worker
$9,000,000 settlement for a paralyzed construction worker.
$8.1 Million Medical Malpractice
Improperly performed biopsy lead to wrongful death.