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What Are The Most Common Car Crash Injuries?

Man with neckbrace in car being rescued by paramedics

Each year, more than 3 million Americans are seriously injured in car crashes. Of those, nearly 2-in-3 will experience permanent injuries or a significant change to their quality of life. But what are some of the most common car crash injuries, and how might they impact someone’s overall health? To answer, let’s take a look at 4 of the most common car crash injuries.


Fractures (or broken bones) are one of the most prevalent car crash injuries after bruises and lacerations. Some of the most common fractures include those to the shin and femur, especially in a front-end collision. Additionally, those who lock their elbows while driving may be more susceptible to broken wrists and forearms.

Broken bones are extremely serious and require immediate medical attention to stabilize the body and prevent the injury from worsening. Because of the nature of these injuries, it’s not uncommon for those involved in a car crash to require an extended hospital stay, a cast, crutches, or even a wheelchair. In more severe cases, a fracture may require reconstructive surgery, including metal pins or replacement joints.

Spinal Injuries

Roughly 40% of all U.S. spinal injuries can be linked back to a car crash. It’s important to recognize that no two spinal injuries are the same. The sheer force from a motor vehicle collision can lead to a variety of complications.

Whiplash is one of the most common kinds of car crash injuries, especially after a rear-end collision. While whiplash often impacts the neck, it can cause chronic pain, pinch the spinal cord, or lead to other injuries resulting in long-term pain and lasting complications.

Other spinal injuries may include fractured vertebrae, herniated discs, or spinal cord injuries. Each of these is extremely serious and can present long-term quality of life changes, such as stiffness, nerve damage, or even varying levels of paralysis.

Brain Injuries

Roughly 1-in-6 U.S. brain injuries occur due to motor vehicle accidents, with motorcycle crashes taking a significantly higher share. Brain injuries can be extremely unpredictable in both their severity and in how they affect the victim. Two people involved in the same crash could have drastically different symptoms.

While brain injuries can present immediate, life-threatening health complications, such as a hematoma or brain swelling, the long-term effects are equally concerning. There is no telling how a brain injury will impact your motor skills, memory, or cognitive abilities. Yet, these symptoms can be permanent and significantly reduce the victim’s overall quality of life.

Internal Injuries

The blunt force from a car crash can also rupture organs and blood vessels, leading to internal bleeding and other health complications. Because these injuries are internal, it’s not uncommon for them to initially go unnoticed until victims feel pain or discover large unexplained bruises in the following days.

While organ damage can present a variety of symptoms and lasting pain, internal bleeding can be life-threatening when left untreated. For that reason, those involved in a car crash must seek medical treatment as soon as possible, even if they don’t initially feel pain.

Seeking Treatment

The sooner you go to a doctor after a crash, the better your odds of identifying and treating an injury as soon as possible. An untreated injury, especially any of those above, can quickly worsen through normal daily activities, leading to a longer recovery and a higher risk of lasting complications.

Additionally, the sooner you go to a doctor, the sooner you can demonstrate the full extent of your injuries to the insurance company, making it easier to pursue the full damages you’re entitled to under the law.

If you or someone you love were seriously injured in a crash, we can fight for you. If you’d like an experienced Connecticut accident attorney from RisCassi & Davis, P.C. to evaluate your case, don’t hesitate to call us at (860) 245-2412 or send us an email!
