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Is Your New Car Dangerously Vulnerable to Hackers?


A Jeep Cherokee winds up in a ditch after hackers working with ‘Wired’ magazine successfully took control of the vehicle by hacking in through its connected-car infotainment system. The article puts a renewed spotlight on the technological vulnerability of the coming fleet of connected automobiles.
(Photo: Wired Magazine)

If you are like a lot of people, you have either purchased or considered purchasing a new car loaded with new safety technology like onboard radar, night vision technology, advanced camera systems, and self-driving capabilities – all in the hope that these new gadgets will help you avoid a car accident.

Well, you might want to reconsider your options given the development described below.

Hackers were recently hired by “Wired” magazine to see if they could control a new Jeep Cherokee from the comfort of their homes.

The result?

“The security experts, Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek accessed the Jeep’s computer brain through its Uconnect infotainment system and rewrote the firmware to plant their malicious code. Once in, the duo began blasting hip-hop through the stereo system, turned the AC to the maximum, and, ultimately, killed the transmission and brakes.”

Frightened yet?

We all should be.

Car accidents are a major cause of death and injury in Connecticut – and these car accidents happen without a hacker’s influence. Imagine a team of hackers deciding to attack cars traveling at 70 miles per hour on I-95 during the rush hour some afternoon.  Or hackers attacking vehicles crossing the George Washington Bridge in New York during the morning rush.

The results would be catastrophic.

News that such hacks are possible has traffic safety officials and car manufacturers scrambling for solutions. Stay tuned.

If you’re ever injured in a car accident of any kind, know that the Connecticut car accident lawyers at RisCassi & Davis have been assisting drivers injured in accidents for 60 years. And we have received both state and national recognition for our work in this area. If you are ever in a car accident of any kind and would like a free consultation with one of our Connecticut car accident lawyers, please contact us.  There is no obligation.
