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Do You Know the Most Dangerous Month For Driving?


We recently did an extensive review of traffic statistics from a variety of governmental sources (e.g., The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – NHTSA, etc.). What we found was interesting…

If you were asked to guess the most dangerous month to drive – what would you say?

Many people in New England would probably say January – with all its snow, ice, and fairly endless darkness.

The correct answer is actually August…

August is the most dangerous – followed closely by September and June.

How about the most dangerous day?

If you guessed Saturday – you’re correct. And Saturday has almost twice the number of fatal car accidents as any weekday.

What about time of day?

Interestingly – 5:00 pm-7:00 pm is the time when most accidents occur. Not surprisingly, midnight to 4:00 am is the deadliest time period.

What might be the cause of the increase in fatalities at night? Intoxicated drivers are the primary reason. Speeding and driving without a seatbelt are two other major contributors.

Speeding is a factor in 30% of all fatal car accidents, according to the NHTSA. Eighteen percent of fatal crashes during the day are alcohol-related, while 54% of crashes at night are alcohol-related. Two-thirds of the people killed at night are not wearing a seat belt.

Tuesday and Wednesday are statistically the days with the fewest fatal car accidents. The safest time during the week? 4:00am-5:00am.

What’s the takeaway on all of this?

Driving is probably the most dangerous thing any of us do on a daily basis. Understand your risks and do the things that improve your chances of arriving at each destination safely.

Driver Safety Checklist:

  • Always use a seat belt
  • Never drive when intoxicated
  • Obey all speed limits and traffic laws
  • Never use a cell phone while driving
  • Drive defensively

If you’re ever injured in a car accident of any kind, know that the Connecticut car accident lawyers at RisCassi & Davis have been assisting drivers injured in car accidents for 60 years. And we have received both state and national recognition for our work in this area. If you are ever injured in a car accident and would like a free consultation with one of our Connecticut car accident lawyers, please contact us.  There is no obligation.
