Community Support
Committed to Helping
At RisCassi & Davis, P.C., we have had an enduring commitment to sharing our success with those in the most need in our community. Our co-founder, Bill Davis, has supported numerous charitable organizations for more than 65 years. We, as a firm and as individuals, have followed that lead. We have given both our time and our financial resources to many organizations in Connecticut including:
- Goodspeed Musicals
- MADD, CT (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving)
- Greater Hartford Legal Aid Foundation
- Connecticut Bar Foundation
- The Open Hearth in Hartford
- Bike CT
- Billings Forge
- Plainville Rotary Club
- Central CT Paralegal Association
- Connecticut State Police Union
- Hartford County Bar Association
- Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association
- Connecticut Innocence Fund
- Connecticut Reality Fair

Why Choose Us
In our 70+ years of experience, we have received both national & regional recognition for our handling of injury cases, and many honors from our legal colleagues.
We have an extensive national network of experts available to us in the fields of medicine, engineering, traffic safety, accident reconstruction, and more – each available to work on your case should it require their expertise.
We've taken hundreds of cases to trial and we've won some of the largest personal injury verdicts and settlements in Connecticut history.
Our seven attorneys who have achieved this honor demonstrated they have the training & depth of experience to help you get the best possible outcome for your case.

Our Clients Tell Their Stories
We Stand By You Every Step of the Way
Thank you so much for being so supportive, being there when we needed someone, and not treating us like just another client.- Keven
Your integrity, ethics, and respectability have been exactly what I had been told.- Art
We are very pleased with the settlement, but will always be grateful for the honest professional service you shared with us.- Michael and Linda
My case was handled by an extraordinary group of dedicated, experienced and caring professionals.- Ann